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What is SCRA

Rangers at Rendezvous 2018 Credit Bob Reid

What is SCRA?

SCRA is the professional membership body for Rangers and also welcomes allied professionals, Volunteer Rangers, Junior Rangers, and former Rangers together with organisations, companies and individuals who wish to support the work of Rangers.SCRA exists to promote and support the work of Rangers and to represent the interests of the profession to politicians, employers, partners and the public and in appropriate forums and situations. It is not a trade union.SCRA is a charity registered in Scotland - Charity number SCO43188

SCRA’s priorities

To raise the profile of the value and achievements of Scotland’s Rangers among politicians and other relevant organisations.
To champion and support the professional standing of Rangers eg by promoting good practice; and through its CPD programme and training.
To broaden the participation of Rangers and allied groups in its activities.
To develop and publicise relevant policies and contribute Rangers’ views to consultations on policies of other organisations.
To participate in International Ranger activities especially the International Ranger Federation (IRF), European Ranger Federation (ERF), Europarcs and our twinning agreement with the Icelandic Ranger Association.
Children at Holyrood Environment week 2014

SCRA Regional Groups

SCRA has always encouraged and facilitated Rangers to get together at regional level though the number of active groups varies as their existence and activities are dependent entirely on the motivation and commitment of individuals. Find out more below.
Group of people on an island in the Pentlands

Join Us

In joining us you will support the only organisation that is dedicated to promoting and supporting the work of Rangers. You will also receive a number of member benefits!

See SCRA's Privacy Policy here.

SCRA Regional Groups

The activities of regional groups

The benefits

Programme of site visits
DIY talks or workshops
Social activities
Local networking to exchange experience or help and support each other
Local meetings thus minimising travel
Minimal costs

Case Study

Grampian Training Programme

Rangers at Veteran Trees workshop

What is the training programme?

Workshops and short courses, often based round site visits, each lasting between 2 hours and a whole day. Over the years a wide range of topics relevant to Rangers’ work have been offered.

People story telling at Crathes Castle

Who is it aimed at?

Rangers, allied professionals and active volunteers.

How is it organised?

A committee of 4-5 Rangers meet annually to plan the following year’s programme. They bring ideas for courses and workshops, leaders/trainers and venues that have been identified by themselves or suggested or volunteered by people working in the Region. An important factor in creating a varied and relevant programme is the close working relationships within the Grampian area between Ranger Services, NGOs, independent contractors and academics from the area’s universities, colleges and research institutes.

Each committee member takes on the organisation of some of the events, including contacting trainer(s) and venues, agreeing dates and times. Other important tasks for each committee member are: identifying any costs (kept to a minimum), arranging any A/V needs, and determining what refreshments are needed (mostly participants bring their own refreshments).

A small charge is made for most events – typically £10 for a day’s training. The committee has a treasurer who operates a bank account. Funds are used to offset costs from more expensive events eg to pay for a professional trainer. Insurance comes under SCRA’s public liability cover and must be agreed with SCRA’s Treasurer.

Once all the events details are agreed the committee assembles the programme and publicises it through social media.

For further information contact

[email protected]

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A Charity registered in Scotland. Charity number SCO43188